Incorporate LED lighting while meeting critical area coverage as defined by ASHRAE Standard 170 Ventilation of Health Care Facilities. Additionally was the challenge of supplying 20+ACH, how route the air, support the system, while reducing interstial conjestion.
ACI’s engineering team worked with the consulting engineer and mechanical contractor to utilize Price Industries Ultrasuite that incorporates both the lighting and diffuser array. The system exceeded the lumens/FC that was required over the operating room table and additionally met all the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 170. The project also benefitted from the Ultrasuite’s plenum design, having only one supply duct connection, freeing up interstial space, and easy structral mounting. From the installing contractor, “The system was much quicker to install than a traditional OR HVAC system. Use of this package also reduced our labor size in a smaller OR room and delivered a beautiful product for the doctors in the suite.”
From the installing contractor, “The system was much quicker to install than a traditional OR HVAC system. Use of this package also reduced our labor size in a smaller OR room and delivered a beautiful product for the doctors in the suite.”

