Seattle: 206-767-2600 || Portland: 503-238-6900 || Spokane: 509-467-8082

Education K-12 HVAC Solutions

Indoor air quality in schools

K-12 education buildings have unique requirements that HVAC suppliers must be aware of. The building must comply with several codes at the outset, but we’re also concerned with the long-term occupancy of the space. The goal is to promote a healthier learning environment with quiet systems that deliver clean air. The challenge is to meet this goal within the budgetary restraints that school districts face, while delivering long-lasting, easy-to-maintain systems that save money over time. We’ve worked with several schools to install a variety of sustainable solutions that decrease energy usage while increasing the comfort of students and staff.

Options and Services we can provide

  • – Acoustical audits to comply with Washington State NC-35 sound level requirements.
  • – Indoor environment monitoring and compliance with ASHRAE Standard 55.
  • – Consultation with engineer and contractor on HVAC design for new construction.

Products that serve the market best

Example products for this market:

  • – Sound attenuators
  • – Price Industries Chilled Beams
  • – Grilles, registers, and diffusers

K-12 Projects from ACI