As schools start to go back into session Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is on everyone’s mind. School districts and higher education facilities have been looking into ways to improve their quality of air. ACI Mechanical & HVAC Sales has recently partnered with top manufacturers that address these concerns on improving air in K-12 schools and universities.
High traffic buildings like schools are addressing the crucial topic of good quality air and the new technologies that can impact the health and performance of students and teachers positively. Room air purifiers, Ionization, and HEPA filters are among those products.

Room Air Purifiers (RAP)
Room Air Purifiers are not limited by the current HVAC system in place. Schools and other educational facilities do not need to replace their existing systems in order for these units to purify the air. Camfil’s City M for example can move 256 cubic feet of purified air per minute through its HEPA filtration unit.
Price Industries has expanded their purifier products now including an Overhead Air Purifier and their Room Air Purifier . These units come with a multi-layered approach consisting of adding on bipolar ionization, HEPA/MERV filtration and UV light to eliminate unwanted particles, dust, viruses and other unwanted contaminants.
Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization
NPBI (Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization) generates ions that form bonds on particles like viruses, dust, and other containments clumping together and making it easier to filter.
GPS Air, the leaders in indoor air quality, is now on ACI Mechanical & HVAC Sales’s line card for all branches. GPSs focus is to deliver clean air without negative effects of ozone-producing technologies. They address all indoor air challenges by continuously making enhancements on their technology. Products listed below will soon be available at ACI and our online store.
ESSER Funds through Carrier
ESSER Funds (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds) through the Washington State Purchasing Cooperative allow for state and local agencies to assist needs by replacing equipment and services. These funds can be used by State University Systems, K-12 schools, and community colleges through local governing bodies. ACI Seattle branch is in a new strategic alliance with Carrier.
Contact your ACI Mechanical Sales representative today to learn more about how to get help your buildings thrive.